All 7 Pillars training materials, tools, and courses are designed for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and working professionals in mind. Whether you are fully in tune or out of sorts with industry jargon, 7 Pillars provided marketing and management solutions that get you up to speed, cognizant of your place in the ecosystem and elevated to the next skill level on your particular development track.
The 7 Pillars marketing methodology is taught via interconnected and digestible modules by leading industry experts who have extensive small business, startup and entrepreneurial skills under their belts. Our instructors play the role of the hands-on consultant during interactive class sessions, helping you overcome unique business challenges while identifying key market opportunities and catalyzing your team’s strengths.
Do you want to develop a basic yet effective Social Media Marketing Strategy? Learn how to establish proper ROI, CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) and CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) metrics? Create an investible and detailed marketing plan, down to the level of tactics, tools and resource requirements?
Courses are offered across all Levels – and fall into three categories: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Some of our modules welcome and encourage people from different skill levels to work and learn together, as that is a true reflection of the workplace environment, where such collaboration is pivotal to success. Our classroom functions like an interactive lab, with class sizes, capped at 20, to keep each group intimate and allow for active student-teacher as well as peer-to-peer engagement.
Key Takeaways:

Understand the latest Digital Strategies
7 Pillars is a new prism through which to view the entire universe of digital and traditional marketing ideas, tactics and techniques. 7 Pillars illuminates the entire digital ecosystem and provides a practical methodology for understanding the full spectrum of digital marketing opportunities.

Increase your Digital Marketing IQ
The beauty of this course is that it brings every little detail – from a mobile app feature, to a specific search engine keyword – back to the whole. Marketing is a holistic, interconnected field that requires a framework to understand how everything fits together.

Learn how to evaluate marketing aptitudes
Using the Matrix and the 7 Levels, you will become well versed in evaluating the marketing aptitudes of yourself, your team, particular tasks and the marketing tactics you choose for your digital strategies and campaigns.

Manage campaigns efficiently with strong ROI
The knowledge in this course can be implemented by even non-technical business owners to effectively manage campaigns and deliver strong ROI. You will be a Digital Marketing Expert (or Blue Belt Samurai as we call it) in no time!