The 7 Pillars
Traditional Marketing

It is very important to consider Traditional Marketing (TM) theory and tactics as part of the overall 7 Pillars framework. Therein lie the roots of the Marketing field.

Like any true holistic approach, we do not simply draw a line in the sand and say “everything on this side is digital and the other side is traditional.” While sensible divisions can be made, it is necessary to put more emphasis on the numerous connection points – Integrated Marketing – which if strategized effectively, can bring about unexpected benefits and marketing success to companies.

TP1: Content

Content remains #1 in both traditional and Digital realms. People want to consume digestible content and are willing to watch, read or listen to ads during their media consumption.

TP2: Branding

Branding is one of the most misunderstood and simultaneously important areas of marketing to “get right” to achieve success. Meaningful brands are developed by an honest and thorough assessment of an organization’s deepest values, not just by a quick logo or tagline brainstorm session.

TP3: Advertising

Although a strong movement towards Online Advertising, TP3 (television, print, radio, and Out of Home (OOH) advertising) is far from dead. The largest slice of the marketing budget pie still lives here. Plus, modern analytics tools make it easier than ever to make traditional ads more accountable.

TP4: Public Relations

Public Relations (PR), nonpaid strategic communications, mirrors its digital counterpart, Social Media. Both have to do with some earned media promotion, awareness building, and reputation management.

TP5: Sales

Sales teams, like CRM, forge relationships with target customers, and without them, businesses cannot survive. The digital revolution has made this traditional practice easier with data and intelligence tools; but it is still good old fashion, “belly to belly” selling that gets decision makers to cut big checks and sign major contracts.

TP6: Event Marketing

Event Marketing opportunities are available in a variety of formats, including trade shows, conferences, seminars, street fairs, concerts, performances, flash mobs and more. Any Events are greatly augmented by the reach and impact of digital techs, such as mobile location-based promotions and applications.

TP7: Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing, a close cousin of Email Marketing, is a low-cost method of reaching a particular target audience. Personalized direct mail is one of the primary Direct Marketing tactics and still works for a lot of local businesses, for both existing customer retention or new prospect outreach.